Super Dweeb and the Pencil of Destiny / Bradley Jess

Super Dweeb and the Pencil of Destiny / Bradley Jess

  • Быстрая доставка: Москва и Московская область
  • Тип товара: Книга
  • Издательство: Arcturus
  • Артикул: 4992676
  • Серия: Super Dweeb
  • Автор: Bradley Jess
  • Год: 2023
  • Наличие: В наличии
1073 руб.
1610 руб.

Описание и характеристики Super Dweeb and the Pencil of Destiny / Bradley Jess

The comic-book style storytelling is perfect for reluctant readers. Features characters from a variety of races and ethnicities. Every page of this book features colour artwork, mixed in with the text.
Andy wishes that he had awesome powers like the heroes of his favourite comic books. One day, on a school trip to the toxic waste dump, he discovers an oversized, glowing pencil.
He starts sketching and finds that he can redraw reality. Now, thanks to the power of doodling, Andy can bring to life anything that he can imagine, erase his problems, and doodle his way of sticky situations.

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