The Days of My Life. Volume 27 / Haggard Henry Rider

The Days of My Life. Volume 27 / Haggard Henry Rider

  • Быстрая доставка: Москва и Московская область
  • Тип товара: Книга
  • Издательство: T8RUGRAM
  • Артикул: 3231162
  • ISBN: 978-5-521-07745-8, 978-5-521-07773-1
  • Серия: RUGRAM_Public Domain
  • Автор: Haggard Henry Rider
  • Год: 2018
  • Язык: eng
  • Формат: 60x90/16
  • Тип обложки: твердый переплет
  • Страниц: 640
  • Наличие: В наличии
1306 руб.
1960 руб.

Описание и характеристики The Days of My Life. Volume 27 / Haggard Henry Rider

Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set mostly in Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. The Days of My Life is an autobiography by Haggard. This book deals with Haggard's life in South Africa, and with his literary career, but also with an aspect of his many activities which is less familiar to those who knew him mainly as a writer of romances. He was always dominated by a strong sense of duty, and by an ardent patriotism, and the direction in which he thought that he could best serve his country was in an attempt to stop the rapidly growing migration of population from the country districts to the slums of the towns.

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