Working With Influence. Nine Principles Of Persuasion To Accelerate Your Career / Nimon-Peters Amanda

Working With Influence. Nine Principles Of Persuasion To Accelerate Your Career / Nimon-Peters Amanda

  • Быстрая доставка: Москва и Московская область
  • Тип товара: Книга
  • Издательство: Bloomsbury
  • Артикул: 4904556
  • Автор: Nimon-Peters Amanda
  • Год: 2022
  • Тип обложки: мягкая обложка
  • Страниц: 234
  • Наличие: В наличии
3366 руб.
5010 руб.

Описание и характеристики Working With Influence. Nine Principles Of Persuasion To Accelerate Your Career / Nimon-Peters Amanda

An engaging guide on how to develop and hone your professional communication and influencing skills in the digital age
In a world where human interactions and behaviour are more pivotal than ever to business success, Working With Influence sets out nine easy-to-apply principles, based on robust behavioural science, for influencing people and outcomes in both physical and digital working scenarios. It provides ambitious professionals with a set of actionable principles which will help them kick-start, accelerate or transform their careers.
Technology has redefined almost every job and is becoming the primary medium through which we interact with colleagues and clients - this book provides crucial insights into how you can influence others and stand out in this new digital landscape. With the hugely competitive and unpredictable nature of the job market and the unstable economy, it is more important than ever to improve your communication skills and broader qualitative skillset to ensure a prosperous career in the 21st century.
This book's insightful principles are drawn from first-hand research findings and behavioural science data. Each chapter includes a wide range of relevant, applied workplace examples, as well as tools to help readers build their own action plans. Packed with practical guidance and psychological research, Working With Influence is the modern guide for anyone looking to improve their communication, networking and drive in business.

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